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intermediate layer中文是什么意思

用"intermediate layer"造句"intermediate layer"怎么读"intermediate layer" in a sentence


  • 过渡层
  • 中间层


  • Effect of copper and cu ti intermediate layer on adhesion of diamond film
  • Status and development of studies on the intermediate layer of a bipolar membrane
  • Advances in the research of intermediate layers of steel substrates for diamond films
  • This thesis has complemented the main part of ground layer - - session layer and the intermediate layer - presentation layer
  • The business might be organized such that data flows through one or more intermediate layers between the central site and remote sites
  • It is also possible for the data to flow directly between the central site and regional offices if the organization does not have an intermediate layer
  • The business might be organized such that data flows through one or more intermediate layers between the central site and remote sites as in the diagram earlier in this topic
    业务的组织方式可以是数据通过一个或多个中间层在中心站点和远程站点之间流动(如本主题前面的关系图所示) 。
  • The nature conservancy of cement tile blank . after the surface coating production line in preheated purge bottom spray drying intermediate layer spray drying launched drying table a total of three cooling heating and drying surface , the second spraying process , weatherability cement tiles surface coating to achieve the best performance
  • In this paper we firstly illustrate the feasibility and advantages of eliminating intermediate layers , e . g . sdh / sonet and atm , to map the ip packets directly into wavelength channels . under this framework , we then f ocus our interest on the resource allocation of ip over wdm networks
  • Secondly , to improve the hmmsearch ’ s parallel scalability , a new two - level parallel algorithm based on sequence partition strategy is presented , which is a dynamic load balancing scheme . by introducing the intermediate layer , a new “ master - submaster - slave ” structure is better than the “ master - slave ” structure in parallel scalability
    为了提高hmmsearch的可扩展性,本文提出一种基于序列划分策略的两级并行算法,采用动态负载平衡方案,通过增加中间层形成“ master - submaster - slave ”结构,来改善原“ master ? slave ”结构的不足。
用"intermediate layer"造句  
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